Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Summer in Savannah (8) - How to put a woman in her place.

"A woman's place in public is to sit beside her husband, be silent, and be sure her hat is on straight." This was a famous quote by Bess Truman, the wife of former U.S. President Harry S. Truman.
As you know I am a sucker for provocative blogs and I love to get a reaction out of people. So I will try best to do just that in this blog.

Well, not exactly.

Bess Truman didn't really want to be in the spotlight during her spouse's presidency, she preferred to be in the background. I know, when I first read this quote I thought: "Ole Ms. Truman is trippin...". However little did I know, her husband often referred to her as "Boss".  This First Lady ran the White House like no other business. She was a strong-minded, intelligent woman who influenced her husband’s presidency. She was responsible for the smooth running of her husbands time in office. WOW! I was gobsmacked when I read this.

So how do we keep women in their place?

First off, the "place" of woman has never and will never be restricted to a 300 sq ft. size kitchen. No, we can venture out to the living room as well. Sorry, I didn't really mean that, I was just trying to be provactive again... No each woman is an individual and different and we all have different spheres for our life.

The best way to put a woman in her place is to: A) Find where she would like  her place to be such as homemaking, teaching, court room, Wall Street B) Encourage her to be the best of the best in her designated "place".

I really believe women of God need encourgament from both men and women to remain in their "place".

Hebrews 3: 13
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

This "place" is God given. The "place" is part of God's perfect plan. Don't try and step into another woman's territory. For example if a woman is called to run her home full-time and homeschool her children then let it be. God has called that woman to bring Him glory and fulfill His purpose by remaining in her "place". However, you on the other hand may be called to work as a Corporate Exectuive of a huge firm but you feel that your place should be at home. Wrong! If God has given you the talent to  run a business then you are going to get so frustrated trying to be something God never told you to be. Likewise, if your friends and family are not using Godly wisdom to encourage you and are constantly beating down your door for you to become something your not. Then this is not following Hebrews 3:13 and it is definetly NOT helping you find your "place" in the calling of God.

With all that said and done, I hope I have encouraged somebody.

Read my other article on how I have have struggled with the same issue.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I don't know why I didn't realize you were in Savannah! I love it and I am enjoying living very close by! It is such a charming southern city! I hope you are having a great time and that you have a blessed week! xoxo

Merana Leigh said...

Another way to put a woman in her place is to tell her she doesn't belong somewhere. I sure don't know many women who wouldn't step up to that challenge! ;o)