So the secret is out! I'm in a relationship! Ok, before some of you start blowing up my phone asking for details I'll write it on this blog.
Let me describe this special someone. In Numbers 23:19 it describes this someone as not being a man. It's actually God. Yes, I've finally come to that point in my Christian walk with God that He really is or rather He has to be my all in all.
I can't explain it guys but I'm so in love with the Lord. I went through a painful time laying down my rights to a "relationship" and eventually I've just let it go.
My heart cries out for women who cling to men hoping to find their self-worth and fulfilment. I used to dance to the same record of "You are nothing without a guy in your life". I don't know if I was really serving God before, I guess I was but He was always second in my life. I know, the shame of it all. Nevertheless, right now I can get up and talk about God's faithfulness because I've seen it myself. I can get up and preach about God drawing near to the brokenhearted because the past 6 years of my life I've seen the hand of God in my life.
I'm finally in a relationship guys. There is still this longing for human companionship but oh that void I felt for years, God is filling it. If I am to become the "missing rib" of one young man, I am just a vessel because God can only fill that space in a guy's life really.
This morning I was on my knees praying and I just began to cry and the tongues just began to flow. My heart began to stir up again for the Philippines. For some of you who didn't know but it's been a childhood dream to travel to the Philippines. However, I believe I got distracted by the things of this world and forgot all about it. I endeavour to travel out there when I graduate from Law School next year. It's in God's hands at the moment. There are women that I am beginning to admire. I've put my Help-Meet books aside and have taken up books by Amy Carmichael and Carrie ten Boom. These women were World Changers. Currently I am reading "Sacred Singleness by Leslie Ludy". This book is A-mazing! . I can't stress this enough women of God. Never ever take this single season as a waste of time. When my heart began to break just as God's heart broke it was because He was uncovering all the desires He had placed there earlier. God doesn't just want us to just say the "sinner's pray". He desires a relationship with us young ladies. I don't think I was in a relationship with the Lord before. I really wasn't. I was just a Christian but God had been knocking on my doors for years.
Nowadays, I wake up in the morning with a "go-getter" attitude. I know it sounds childish but I feel as though I can conquer the world and with Him all things are possible. My desires that I had planted in me years before were just stagnant and were gathering dust but my Lover has uncovered them.
My parents always told me that if I am to marry in the future, the guy should be able to uncover dreams and desires within me. The guy should want to propel me forward in every way imaginable. That's exactly what God has been doing these past few months.
How can I sit here and say that my affliction, my tears, my struggling was in vain? Heaven forbid! I learnt who my Maker was in those dark times. I will be forever grateful. I learnt that nothing could ever take the place of God. Nothing! Do you know how horrible and tormenting it can be to always look at the opposite sex for security? Young women have ended up in Mental Institutes due to failed relationships or worse ended up in the grave.
I have so much to be thankful for and go on my knees for. I remember I got a personal message from Joyce Meyer herself and she gave me a book as a gift. She planted a seed in my life and so many others did the same thing. My heart breaks for young women, my heart breaks for broken families, my heart breaks for the brokenhearted. I want to be able to give back...
Opportunities have just been coming up from the left and the right these past few months and yes I am grateful that I am single so I can do all these things.
So Mr Right hasn't come along just yet. Well actually he Has. God is Mr Right. Whoever said He can't be? I'm finally in a relationship and I just want to go deeper and deeper with God.
Thanks for reading! Remain blessed