Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Thursday 25 March 2010

It's time I give up the offence

God just isn't letting me get off easy.This is a follow up from the other blog I wrote  It's 22:17 p.m and I am just downstairs listening to a song titled "Your Majesty".  Personally, when I listen to this song I actually think of worship. You hear it and your spirit begins to rise up, and your flesh begins to quiver.  Your flesh quivers because it comes to realise the holiness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God isn't going to let this go. I heard Him tell me right now "Chizor you are still holding unforgiveness  in your heart. Let it go."  It isn't easy but we all have to forgive. Truly and sincerely.  God isn't letting me get off lightly with this one.  I cried out to God that I still feel the pain. God replied "Release it. Just release it".
We need to release the offence and the person who offended us. Why hold on to it? The biggest thing that the Lord told me to do was not to repeat the offence.  This meant that I should not talk about it anymore.
He spoke to me through His Word this morning. You know I mentioned before how I've been doing a study on forgiveness, and I need it to become a part of me. Well this is what I read:  Colossians 3:13 states that we must "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. FORGIVE AS THE LORD FORGAVE YOU."
I asked God how was I supposed to do this if I still felt hurt? He responded so gently "Bear with one another" To bear is to endure, to show patience and to hold back.  God knows that some hurts are so painful that they could scar if the Lord doesn't intervene and heal us. However, He will give us the grace as He asks us to endure these things. He will give you the patience to get through the situation, to endure even in the face of your worst enemy. Jesus is a God that will never desert you.

Lay down whatever it is on the altar. It's no use holding that pain anymore. Jesus wants it. The more you hold it, the more it will pain your heart. I guarantee you God will take care of the rest.

Jesus loves you so much!

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