Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Friday 3 September 2010

Life with God is an Adventure

I am currently working a 50 hour job at the library.  Job description; Sit at a desk for 10 hours, studying solely law text books. Guess how much it pays? Nothing. You just get a really cool,REWARDING degree at the end.
So, apologies for not blogging as much as I should have.

Without further ado, I just want to express my utter adoration. God is amazing!
Last night,  the Devil tried to bring wrong thoughts into my mind. Thoughts such as: "Chizor, what are you doing? Are you really supposed to be studying? What if you hadn't gone to Law School, you would have the life you always wanted. You would have your own 'dreams' by now. Your decision to become a lawyer caused you pain.  " 
Some of you have made God ordained decisions which in effect had some painful consequences. God has some of you in a place right now that may seem barren or uncertain. Don't look back to Egypt.
Don't look to what you don't have or what you could have had.
Isaiah 54: "Sing, O barren Woman, you who have never born, burst into song, shout for joy...because more are the children than the desolate woman"
God will do more for you than you expected.

 It's important that we watch ourself. The enemy has a certain way with our emotions. He'll go to our deep desires and longings and try and manipulate them. However, I serve a Saviour who knows my DEEPEST desires, more than I even know.  It's important that we resist the Devil in order that he flees from us ! How do we resist? By standing and believing the Word of God.
As these thoughts came in like a flood, a still gentle voice began to filter in. It was the voice of my Lover and Lord - Jesus.
I could actually feel my brain settle down, my muscles relax as I listened to His sweet voice.
He said thus: "Chizor, life in me is always an adventure. Do not despair because you have not reached there yet. Know that you are in my will, just enjoy the journey."
That is so true for many of young people. To many of us young, christian female academias. Studying isn't always easy but if you are in the perfect will of God, enjoy the path God has you on. The path of pursuing school. It's an adventure.  How? You may ask. Well, for instance today, I received an email to apply for  a Human Rights internship abroad, all expenses paid. I began to be thankful that I could cherish this moment in God to pursue the opportunities He has for me. Free from other restraints.
I am beginning to savour the journey. Don't ever mourn over the things you left behind! God done left that place a long time ago - as some may say. Remember the story of Lot's Wife? She looked back.
She didn't enjoy the path God had her on, she didn't look forward to the horizon.

Talitha Cumi- Damsal Arise.

Joy is coming in the morning, women of God

1 comment:

Merana Leigh said...

Girl, what a fabulous post that applies to ALL of life, not just those of you studying to become professionals in some manner. I have found it to be SO true in my life that He has opened doors for me to buy my house & now begin to make it truly our home, thus letting my creativity reign! LOVE the quote "Don't look back to Egypt"! CONGRATS on the Human Rights internship!!! Hmmm...10 hours a day studying law books & not getting I know why I've felt compelled to pray for you lately! ;o}