Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Tuesday 22 December 2009

What legacy will you leave?

This was a a question my mother asked my family and I yesterday after doing a short prayer before bedtime.
What legacy will you leave?
It all started when my sisters and I decided to watch an old taking of Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary show.  It was great watching the now deceased singer dancing with his brothers to old skool Jackson 5 beats. Let's be honest, some of us have one or two Jackson memories in our " closest of hidden talents"...
Anyway, after we watched the program my mum began to ask us: "What legacy will we leave?".  MJ was a man of incredible talents, he drew millions in, he danced, sung , "acted" and gave to numerous charities. Yet, he didn't have Christ. What legacy did he then really leave?

Billy Graham - a top dog in the Christian sector, has been used by Christ to draw thousands to the Lord. Yet, he is KNOWN but not famous as a Michael. However the scriptures tell us quite clearly that person who is least in the world, can be one of the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Where am I going with this?
The man who introduced Billy Graham to Christ, set out to conduct a large tent revival meeting in Billy Graham's town. The preacher thought thousands would come forward and receive Christ...but only one small boy came forward.
Right, in the physical, the preacher must have been thinking: "I've spent so much money, I've called ministers from across the nation, I have fasted for the past 40 days and for what? For only this slight of a boy to come forward? ".  However, whatever the preacher may have thought, the young boy that came forward was the be known as one of America's greatest preachers. The small boy was Billy Graham, who wanted to heed to the call of God.
See, what legacy are you going to leave? Do you know, that the one seed you plant in someone's life could change a generation. Even though it looks small, don't fret! That seed may flourish into a whole GARDEN.
Imagine if the preacher was so bent on his own agenda, that he dismissed the young Billy Graham? What then?  Some of you reading this, may not have heard the gospel message, if that one preacher had looked at what was in front of him.
What legacy are you leaving?

I have positioned myself where God wants me to get both legs out of the boat and walk on water in the storm.  I want to be known as the law student who recognised her saviour on the water, and "bid the Lord will allow me to come to him" (Matt 14:18) amidst the storm. Just like Peter did in the New Testament.

Again, I ask what simple seed has God placed in your hand that you are unwilling to plant? God says: "Go and sow and reap the harvest.
2010 is fast approaching but let's still leave a legacy this remaining few weeks of 2009.

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