Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Saturday, 5 February 2011

A little bit of Prophetic Pop Music..?

Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like their not shining...

I let out a deep sigh everytime I hear this song. It is just such a nice song almost a form of Prophetic Pop. Consequently, I am of the opinion that if I were to listen to this song at least three times it will do wonders to my self-esteem. Don't you think?
Gosh, Bruno Mars had it on point when he wrote this song. It was almost like he wrote down what was on the very heart of God for us. She's so beautiful and I tell her everday. Wow! Bruno kindly receive your kudos from the Christian circle because this song is amazing.

We find our self worth in so many, many things. Do you find that you look for fulfillment in everything but God? I know I can testify to this. I look for fulfillment to other things besides God on a daily occurance. It needs to stop! It is almost as though we have is mantra conditioned into our souls that goes along the lines of something like this: "If I lose a bit of weight maybe I could be happy. Maybe if I gained a bit of weight maybe I could be happy. If I could just buy that car then life would be complete. If I could just start dating that Medical student then I will be socially acceptable."  The list goes on and on and on.
It is confession time: I am guilty of thinking all of the above. If I could just...I tell myself almost all the time. Yet tonight I really felt God speak to me through Bruno Mars. Yes, Bruno Mars! He said this: Girl you're amazing just the way you are.
Do you really understand how much God loves you and how perfect you are to Him? Do I even understand how much God loves me? I don't think I do.
That is so sad.
Behold you are beautiful. Behold you are beautiful. Your eyes are doves Song of Songs 1:15.
When God says something 2x , know that he is emphasising a point. He wants us to take a good look at ourselves and see how beautiful we are.


Merana Leigh said...

Oh, I am SOOOOOO glad to read this, honey! I have not heard back from you in weeks, and was truly beginning to worry. I'm so thankful the Lord has answered my prayers that you are ok...and it certainly seems, healing. Yes, this post speaks volumes. Go watch Michael Buble's "Lost" video. It is something that reminds me every time I hear it that we are NOT lost. He is ALWAYS with us! Listen to it from the perspective of God speaking right into your heart.'ll cry! Love you ~ Merana

Merana Leigh said...

Oh & the Lord just put this in my heart to share with you about the name of your blog. It is only by the struggling WITHIN the cocoon that the butterfly gains it strength to soar. If it didn't have to struggle to break free of the cocoon, it's wings would not have the strength to sustain it in flight. Always remember that as you struggle with anything here!