Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [is like a butterfly] he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new

Thursday 16 December 2010

How disappointments made me stronger

Well, I'm working at Boots again this christmas season. I worked there last year too but there is something completely different this year. "What" ? You may ask. Well let me see. First of all I'm a few pounds heavier (thank goodness) and second I am no longer unhappy.
Gosh temping for Boots last year was a complete and utter nightmare. I was underweight and just a trembling nervous wreck. Anything could set me off in tears but due to customer care and company policy I was obligated to hide my tears behind the boxes of the 3 for 2 mix and match vitamin products. Pititful I know.
However, today I was just reminising about how heartbroken and upset I was last year. God is so good. Every disappointment that has ever happened to you in life, God knew about it. He allowed it for a reason. I constantly think of my best friend Lois who lost her mother this summer. God even knew about that. I'm sure she cannot comprehend what plan God has for her but all she knows that it is a good one.
Disappointments will make you stronger. When my heart was severely broken I couldn't grasp and understand what was going on. My 5 year life plan suddenly fell apart when I received a phone call last October. Everything that I (foolishly) put my hope and trust in just crumbled over the phone.

It reminds me of this scripture "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."

Back then I thought that by this time I would be planning my wedding, showing off my platinum engagement ring and making preps for my suburban home. Instead, I'm in a tiny dorm room which has stacks and stacks of law books cluttering the whole place and I share my block with 72 other students. Despite this, I'm happy. My failures of yesterday have made me stronger. I've learnt a few things along the way. I've learnt to put my trust in Christ Jesus.

Jeremiah 17: 5-10 "But blessed is the man [woman] who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him." Amen to that Jeremiah.

If you've made mistakes in the past do not let them determine who you are tommorrow. If I had allowed all my disappointments and setbacks form me I would not be looking forward to my graduation from university next june. Most importantly, I would not be enjoying the fulness of God.
It is almost my blog-anniversary and it is going to be so thrilling to read about all that God has done for me over the past one year. Hahahah, I thought I would never come out of my sadness and gloom but God knows best.  I may not know you very well and I may not know all that you are going through but I can tell you this: scars heal, setbacks fade and you become STRONGER. It is extremely hard to thank God in the wilderness but this is where we grow to be more like Him.

The disappointments of yesterday will make you stronger.

1 comment:

Merana Leigh said...

Right on, dear friend. I've come to trust HIM, but still can't seem to venture out to trusting the "him"s of this world yet. So, I hang back & rest in my little cocoon in God's safety. He's blessed me with so much this year that I plan to revel in that instead of focusing on that which I don't yet have. Otherwise, I find myself apologizing to Him for wanting more than that with which He's already blessed me. I'm reminded that I'm doing the very thing I accuse my boys of....not taking the time to appreciate what I DO have & only focusing my thoughts on what I don't have.

Blessings to you this new year! Hugs ~ Merana